Macon Area Habitat for Humanity relies on financial and in-kind support. This support helps to make simple, decent, affordable housing a possibility for low-income families. Your donations to Macon Area Habitat for Humanity, not only help to build homes -they help build families, communities, and hope!
Send checks to:
Macon Area Habitat for Humanity
690 Holt Ave.
Macon, GA 31204
Giving Opportunities
You can make your tax-deductible donations to Macon Area Habitat for Humanity (MAHFH) through many different ways:
MAHFH’s designation numbers
Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) # 56615
Employer Matching Gifts
Did you know that your employer may match your financial contribution to an organization?
Find out here if your employer matches your charitable gifts
Honor & Memorial Giving
Consider making tax-deductible donations in memory, or in honor of a loved one! It is a great way to celebrate an anniversary, birthday, or other special occasions. Gifts will be acknowledged with a special card.
Planned Giving & Estate Gifts
Build a legacy of hope by remembering MAHFH in your will, or by making another type of planned gift. Click here to connect to MAHFH's fund at the Community Foundation of Central Georgia. https://cfcga.org/fund/macon-area-habitat-humanity-legacy-fund/
In-kind Donations
MAHFH gladly accepts donations of building materials, tools, land, and professional services, such as electrical and plumbing!
Special Events
Macon Area Habitat for Humanity hosts special events, like the Light More Homes Christmas Celebration, to help raise contributions to support the mission. Each event offers sponsorship opportunities for individuals and businesses at all levels. Visit our Donations Page to learn more.
For more information on individual giving opportunities, please contact Ivey Hall at 478-745-0630 or ihall@maconhabitat.org.