Give the Gift of Home, and your tax-deductible gift will help build more homes in partnership with families in need of affordable housing.
Swing a hammer or volunteer in our ReStore, we're always looking for more volunteers!
Learn more about our Homeownership Program and Home Repair Programs.
Great deals on quality used furniture, appliances, building materials, and more.
Sponsorship Opportunities
Thanks to the generosity of our volunteers, donors, and sponsors, Macon Area Habitat for Humanity has provided simple, decent, affordable housing for hundreds of families in need.
Corporate Sponsorship Opportunities
Macon Area Habitat offers many different corporate sponsorship levels ranging from a full house sponsorship to a one-day commitment to build on our site. Habitat sponsorships not only benefit the Habitat families, but your team will also enjoy a fun-filled day on the construction site while creating a sense of unity among friends and neighbors. No experience is required — just the desire to help!
Interfaith Build Sponsorship Opportunities
People of all faiths share a common goal to help the less fortunate of those among us. Macon Area Habitat for Humanity helps put FAITH into ACTION through various partnership opportunities for congregations. While Habitat for Humanity was founded on Christian principles, we welcome all faiths to share in our common vision of ending substandard housing in Macon & Bibb County.
The Faith Build is a partnership that will allow Macon & Bibb County area churches and faith-based groups to fully fund and build a safe, decent affordable home for Macon & Bibb County families in need; build relationships with members of other congregations, and build a greater witness of God’s love at work in our city.
Macon Area Habitat for Humanity has many ways your congregation may partner with our organization. Each Interfaith Build sponsorship may be tailored to fit your congregation’s needs.
National Women’s Build Sponsorship Opportunities
Women Build is a national program, which is not about excluding men; it is about including women! Habitat for Humanity’s Women Build challenges women to address the problem of substandard housing and to be part of the solution. Women are empowered to take the lead on the construction of a Habitat home and help other women become homeowners. Women Build brings people from all walks of life together and creates an environment in which women feel comfortable learning new skills while building a Macon Area Habitat for Humanity home.
Home Builders Blitz Sponsorship Opportunities
Home Builders Blitz is a nationwide partnership between Macon Area Habitat for Humanity and our local building community to make sure more families have a chance to own a safe, decent, affordable house. Home Builders Blitz Build is a one-week, high energy, accelerated build of a Habitat home.
Event Sponsorship Opportunities
MAHFH hosts annual events year-round. Visit this page to read more about each event and learn how your organization can serve as a sponsor. Event sponsorship is a great advertising opportunity.
Please contact Ivey Hall at (478) 745-0630 x 303 for more information about any of our sponsorship opportunities.
All Points North Foundation
American Trucks Positive Payload Program